End of School Year Uniform Returns

The marching jacket, bib pants, and raincoat are returned to the band closet for storage each summer. Here’s how all of that works.

Seniors ONLY

Graduating seniors who are marching in the Memorial Day Parade will remove their uniforms and turn them in as soon as the parade is over.  Seniors will pay a fee to cover the dry cleaning. Seniors may choose to purchase their senior braid and citation cord (if they have one) and take as souvenirs.  The dry-cleaning fee and the costs for the braids and cords will be announced in advance of the parade.

Any seniors not marching in the Memorial Day parade should have their uniform jacket and bib pants cleaned and raincoat washed and dried prior to return. The return times for these seniors will be announced, but will be after the date of the parade.  As above, they may choose to purchase the cords and braids.

Please follow the directions of the Uniform Volunteers to turn in your jacket, pants, and raincoat. Your gloves, shoes, hangers, and garment bags are yours to keep.

Seniors MUST turn in their uniform before they can receive their cap and gown!


Everyone else

All students, whether returning to band or not, must return their uniform jacket, bib pants, and raincoat at the end of the school year. The return dates and times will be announced, but students must have their jackets and bib pants dry cleaned and their raincoats washed and dried prior to the scheduled return dates and times. For students retuning to the band, their uniforms will be labelled and stored over the summer, and refitted during band camp in the late summer.  Please follow the directions of the Uniform Committee to return all uniforms.