Senior Uniform and Raincoat Return Instructions

Hey Seniors! Hey What? 

Just a few more days until you graduate! Here are a few things you need to do before then.

Senior Raincoat and Uniform Return 

Seniors marching in the Memorial Day parade will turn in their uniforms, raincoats, and hats in the cafeteria after the parade. Seniors not marching in the parade need to email ASAP to make other arrangements. You must return your uniform before you can receive your cap and gown.

Seniors must pay a $15 uniform dry cleaning fee by May 26 using the PayPal link below (preferred). Or, you can bring a check made out to ABFOM to turn in after the parade.

Gloves, Shoes, Hangers, Polo Shirts, and Garment Bags

Your gloves, shoes, hangers, polo shirt, and garment bag are yours to keep. If you are certain you don’t want to keep them, we will accept them after the parade.

Questions? Contact

Please click below to pay the mandatory uniform cleaning fee using PayPal.

Student Name