The AB Marching band uniform has many parts. The uniform includes a jacket, bib pants, raincoat, marching shoes, hat, and gloves.
First time band members are usually fitted with a uniform during Band Camp in late summer. If a student joins band and does not attend camp, the uniform will be fitted at the earliest possible opportunity, perhaps during an evening marching practice.
A one-time uniform fee is charged to all first time band members. The Fee covers the following items:
- Use of uniform jacket, pants, hat, and raincoat for the duration of student’s band experience
- Garment bag and two hangers for keeping the uniform clean, unwrinkled, and in order – these become the property of the student.
- Two pair of marching gloves, property of the student
- One pair black marching shoes (known as Dinkles), property of the student
In addition to the above items, the student and family are responsible to provide the following items to wear under the marching uniform:
- Tall black socks – calf length, plain black. No markings should show when the student marches!
- Dark shorts to wear under the bib pants – slippery black nylon shorts work best.
- White T-shirt or undershirt to wear under the jacket. No markings on the shirt front, please!
- Black hair ties for any hair long enough to tie back. No scrunchies or colored ties, please!
- Warmer gear for winter – black running tights, leggings, or long underwear, long sleeve white shirt or underarmor – no turtlenecks! Glove liners and/or handwarmers are also useful
All uniform parts (including the raincoat) must be worn or brought in the garment bag to all marching performances. Between performances, the uniform and all related parts should be kept neatly in the garment bag. Always neatly rehang pants!