2019 Uniform Care and Cleaning
Any problems with uniforms please contact uniforms@nullabfom.org ASAP
(This includes fit, loose hems, buttons or stains.) Any alterations or supply questions must happen before call time – NOT when the student is due on the field.
If the uniform gets wet, this includes sweating, hang the uniform parts separately in a well-ventilated area. When completely dry, hang back in garment bag neatly.
DO NOT store your wet uniform in your garment bag. Mildew and Mold will quickly form.
Always store your uniform on hangers. Hanging pants with creases aligned prevents wrinkles!
Garment bags should only contain your uniform on hangers. Extra socks, white t-shirts and gloves should be stored in the back pocket. Clean dry dinkles can be stored in back pocket.
Neck guards may be removed and washed on delicate. Lay flat to dry. DO NOT PUT IN DRYER.
Gloves may be machine washed but HUNG DRY. They are cotton and will shrink in the dryer. Additional gloves may be purchased for a nominal fee of $3.00 per pair.
Black Shoes and socks: Socks must be solid black and long enough that no skin will be shown when marching. Please let uniform managers know if shoes have holes in them or do not fit. Used shoes may possibly be found in the uniform closet. New pairs bought for $38.00 each.
White T-shirts: Students must wear a plain white t-shirt under uniforms. For example, Hanes undershirts.
Dark colored shorts or leggings: Slippery, nylon type shorts recommended. NO denium, canvas or cargo shorts. Leggings should be black.
Cold weather: White Under Armour type long-sleeve shirt recommended.
Also, black running pants or under armor recommended for warmth. Some students choose to wear leggings underneath shorts. Some students prefer thicker smartwool black socks for winter.
PLAN AHEAD: Dry cleaners take a number of days. DO NOT wait until the day before uniforms are needed.
DO NOT EVER wash or dry jacket and pants. These items are dry clean only. Do NOT use a home dry cleaning kit. If the uniform becomes stained, inform a uniform manager uniforms@nullabfom.org.
At a minimum, uniforms are to be dry cleaned before MICCA and at the end of the school year. You may take to any dry cleaners however, ABFOM receives a low price at the following dry cleaners:
- Village Cleaners, 11 Spruce Street, Acton
- Colonial Valet dry cleaners located at 252 Great Rd, Acton.
Please return in dry cleaning bags with receipts attached. A message will be sent when it’s time to dry clean.
Please remove neck guard and any cords before bringing to dry cleaners. Do not remove the safety pins from the bib straps.
After dry cleaning, put the neck liner back in to match the shape of the collar. Replace the braids and cords – if the student doesn’t remember how, the section leaders and/or uniform managers can help.
The raincoat should be machine washed on gentle cycle. Once the washing is complete, turn the jacket inside out and hang to dry. It may take up to three days to fully dry.
Don’t forget to put all cleaned pieces back on the wooden hangers and back in the garment bag so it is ready to go.
Any other questions, please visit ABFOM.ORG ->Programs ->Band ->Band uniform