During band camp in late summer, all new band members will be fitted with a band uniform.  All returning band members will be refitted.

Uniform fittings are done in the order that works best for the band director, but usually in the following order – drum majors first, then seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen.

To make the fitting as easy as possible, students should wear slippery shorts like what they would wear under the uniform bib pants.


Returning Students

For returning students, they will start by trying on their uniform from last year. Pants, jacket, and raincoat will be adjusted or traded out as needed to get the best possible fit.

Returning students should try on their marching shoes at home before camp, so they can get replacements during camp if needed.

On or before the last day of band camp, the retuning students should bring in their marching shoes, black socks, gloves, hangers, and garment bag. The full uniform will be needed for the band group picture.


New Students

New students will be fitted for their marching uniform during band camp week. The marching shoes are ordered as needed, so the student may NOT have their marching shoes by the end of camp.

All students will need to bring their dark slick shorts, and white T-shirts on Band Picture Day, so they can wear their full uniform for the group picture. New students may have their picture taken without shoes, in their black socks – no one will notice.  The new marching shoes will be handed out as soon as possible.

After Band Picture Day, the student will bring home their complete uniform (except for the hat – the hat never goes home).